World's largest Healthcare Symposium

J.P Morgan Healthcare Conference

Read about our newest sector Healthcare and some observations from the team’s visit in San Francisco

Last week, the Kinnevik team attended the J.P Morgan Healthcare conference in San Francisco - The largest healthcare investment event of the year, bringing together industry leaders, emerging fast-growth companies, innovative technology creators, and members of the investment community. Some trends we observed:

The consumerization of healthcare

Patients are becoming customers who are seeking a consumer internet quality experience. The same consumer that uses the healthcare provider also shops on Amazon, watches Netflix and uses Expedia to book the next trip. Healthcare is rising as a percentage of household expenditures and patients are becoming increasingly selective, with cost, quality and convenience becoming key deciding factors. Cedar Inc is meeting these needs in patient billing.

The shift to value-based rather than fee-based care

Across the industry, companies at the forefront are showing greater appetite to take clinical and financial risk to deliver value-based care. The move away from fee-for-service will separate the good from the rest and lead to better outcomes, less waste and lower prices for consumers. Babylon Health is one such company using technology and human services to take risk on large populations.

Greater focus on holistic care

Instead of just addressing a symptom, more comprehensive patient data is allowing for an increased focus on the whole person by combining clinical, behavioural and social aspects and determinants of health. This will drive better outcomes over time, in particular for chronic conditions where there are multiple co-morbidities.

Technology enabling connected care

The shift from treating patients at the hospital to in the home, and from sick care to health care, is continuing thanks to digitally enabled devices. The best service providers such as Livongo are aggregating and iterating, interpreting and applying data to provide higher quality personalised care and create informed and connected health consumers.

Within our own portfolio...

...Livongo presented their story to a packed investor audience. Meanwhile, Babylon Health and Cedar each held a series of successful meetings with clients at the conference.

Before heading back to Europe, we caught up with Livongo’s new CEO, Zane Burke, and new President, Dr Jennifer Schneider, at their new office in San Francisco. We are excited to partner with them in their new leadership roles - Livongo undoubtedly has one of the strongest, most experienced leadership teams in the consumer digital health space!

Kinnevik's Senior Investment Director Chris Bischoff together with Livongo’s Zane Burke and Dr Jennifer Schneider

Read more about Livongo below: