Pregnancy and Parenthood is a period of transition not without its challenges

The process of becoming a parent, is a period of transition that can affect behavioral and physical health along with impacting the entire family ecosystem. Engaging individuals at a time when they can best use additional insights and tools is crucial. That is why Livongo for Behavioral Health by myStrength recently launched a Pregnancy and Early Parenting program, an evidence-based behavioral health program offering personalized digital support resources that are interactive and work with the Member to deliver the support they need. 

Behavioral health issues during this period is not uncommon

As many as 1 out of 5 mothers experience moderate to severe depression or anxiety while 4 in 5 mothers undergo mood swings or negative feelings after childbirth. The partner is directly impacted as well, with 10% of dads experiencing postpartum anxiety, mood and/or depression challenges. And when the mother is depressed, 50% of new fathers experience postpartum paternal depression.

Despite the high prevalence, many go untreated. The stigma in behavioral health remains a barrier to identify those in need, particularly affecting pregnancy and early parenthood. Yet, the societal costs of these complications being left untreated are substantial. A 2017 study showed that the cost in the U.S. alone amounts to over $14 billion per annum and not enough is being done to counter it...

"According to clinical experts, depression is the most common complication of childbirth for women"

An evidence-based, personalized program to help parents in need

Livongo is on a mission to empower people living with chronic conditions. Mental wellbeing is a critical part of that mission during all life stages, including pregnancy and early parenthood. This program offers personalized content to expecting families and parents during early parenthood based on factors such as the severity of mood symptoms and parenting stage. Content offered in the program includes interactive resources such as guided meditations, testimonial videos, clinician videos, introduction to cognitive behavioral therapy and more.

Kinnevik is a proud backer of Livongo

We are proud to back Livongo using technology to support those with chronic conditions and look forward to following them on their mission to transform the healthcare experience for millions of people living with this every day.

Click here to read more details about the launch on Livongo’s website.