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2 May 2024, 8:00 AM

The Nomination Committee's proposed Board composition

Kinnevik AB (publ) ("Kinnevik") today announced that its Nomination Committee proposes the election of Claes Glassell and Maria Redin as new members of the Board at the Annual General Meeting to be held on 3 June 2024. The Nomination Committee further proposes the re-election of all current Board members as well as the re-election of James Anderson as Chair of the Board.
9 July 2024, 13:00 PMRegulatory information

New issue and repurchase of incentive shares

Kinnevik AB (publ) ("Kinnevik") today announced that the Board has resolved, making use of the authorisation granted by the 2024 Annual General Meeting, on a directed new issue and immediate repurchase of 2,671,110 incentive shares of Class C1 2024, Class C2 2024, Class D1 2024 and Class D2 2024.
18 July 2024, 20:30 PMRegulatory information

Kinnevik Announces Resignation of Board Member

9 July 2024, 8:00 AMRegulatory information

Kinnevik’s Interim Report 1 January – 30 June 2024

”The second and largest part of the Tele2 divestment and our SEK 6.4bn extraordinary cash distribution were completed in the second quarter. Kinnevik now has a portfolio fully focused on growth companies and strong financial resources that enables us to capture the many opportunities that our portfolio and the state of growth markets provide. During the quarter, our core companies - Cityblock, Mews, Pleo, Spring Health and TravelPerk - continued to deliver strong operational performance as a group, providing support to our net asset value in the face of significant public market multiple contraction. We continue to pursue further, and in part opportunistic, investments in the companies where we hold a long-term strong conviction and can take advantage of our strong cash position and ability to invest for the long run, and see our capital reallocation intensifying during H2 2024.”


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    Torun Litzén

    Torun Litzén

    Director of Corporate Communication

    Switchboard: +46 (0)8 562 000 00

    Email: torun.Litzen(at)