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Kinnevik's Annual General Meeting 2022

9 May 2022, 13:00 PMRegulatory information
Kinnevik AB (publ) ("Kinnevik") today held its Annual General Meeting (the "AGM"). The AGM resolved in accordance with all proposals of the Board and the Nomination Committee.

The AGM resolved to re-elect James Anderson, Susanna Campbell, Harald Mix, Cecilia Qvist and Charlotte Strömberg as members of the Board. James Anderson was re-elected as Chairman of the Board.

The AGM approved the 2021 Annual Report and resolved on the discharge of liability of the Board and the Chief Executive Officer for the financial year 2021.

The AGM also resolved:

  • to approve the Board's Remuneration Report for 2021.
  • to determine the remuneration to the members of the Board and the Auditor.
  • to re-elect KPMG AB as Auditor until the end of the 2023 Annual General Meeting. The authorised public accountant Mårten Asplund will continue as Auditor-in-charge.
  • to re-elect Anders Oscarsson, Hugo Stenbeck, Lawrence Burns and Marie Klingspor as members of the Nomination Committee and to re-elect Anders Oscarsson as Chairman. The Chairman of the Board James Anderson will also be a Nomination Committee member.
  • to adopt a long-term share incentive plan for Kinnevik employees, including resolutions to amend the Articles of Association with the introduction of two new incentive share classes of Class C 2022 and Class D 2022 that in 2027 are reclassifiable into Class B shares, to directly or indirectly transfer incentive shares free-of-charge to Kinnevik employees that decides to participate in the plan, as well as to directly or indirectly transfer incentive shares at market value to the Chief Executive Officer and members of Kinnevik's investment team that are provided the opportunity to acquire additional incentive shares using their own capital.
  • to secure the delivery of incentive shares to the participants in the long-term share incentive plan for 2022 by authorising the Board to resolve on a directed issue of incentive shares of Class C 2022 and Class D 2022 to a bank, and immediately thereafter repurchase such shares.
  • on a compensation for paid dividends and other value transfers to participants in Kinnevik's long-term incentive plan for 2019 through the transfer of no more than 264,532 own Class B shares to the participants, as well as to carry forward the remaining retained earnings and share premium for 2021.
  • on arrangements for the delivery of shares under outstanding long-term incentive plans, including resolutions on authorisations for the Board to resolve on a new issue and repurchase of shares of Class X.
  • to reject proposals from shareholders.